Monday, January 30, 2017

Great Harbour Cay

We rented another golf cart to take a tour of the shelling beach.  The cart was a piece of work and we were surprised when it didn't fall apart.  I was always wondering if I was going to have to get off just to make it up a hill!  

The roads are narrow and you drive on the left side of the road.

I loved the pink houses along the way!

These houses have the ocean right in their front "lawns"!

Here is the shelling beach.  We fortunately caught it at low tide.  We could walk out very far before getting to the water.  So fun!  It's so amazing to find all kinds of life everywhere we walked!

A Coral Fan

Tracks under the water where a sea creature walked.

A live sand dollar under the sand.  I thought it so neat to see his track where he moved!

Ed dug up 2 live Sand Dollars from under the sand - waiting for the water to return!

One that got bleached in the sun.  We took back quite a few of these!  It was so cool to walk around and see dozens of live ones in the sand.  It was difficult to walk around without stepping on them!  I have never experienced this before!

Interesting ball of sand under the water!  A sea creature buried beneath this structure.

Couldn't tell if this was a home for a sea creature or a type of underwater plant.

Another sea creature home.

Plant life

A live Sea Cucumber!
A live starfish!

A live starfish under the sand!

A live whelk - I thought it was a shell I could bring home - not!

Another live one - scallop? clam?

We saw several of these all over the sand.  Ed dug into one and discovered a very strange, yet interesting, looking creature!  Does anyone know what this is?  I have been trying to Google search it but I am having no luck!

Sorry for the lack of focus, but I thought it so cool to see the effects of the waves on the sand!

A sharp contrast in wave action.

Here's Ed searching for more shells - the tide is starting to come in.  By the time we left, most of the sand that we were walking on was under water.

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